Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Little Work did get to do some tatting yesterday, but I failed to take any pictures of it in progress. After schooling, I received a convo asking about delivery times on a necklace. Usually these messages lead to nowhere, but this time the piece was actually purchased giving me something to work on as I remade the sold piece. It's not quite back in the shop yest since it has yet to get it's hardware put on, but I did finish tatting it.

Other than the necklace I did little else yesterday. Well, I finished a book and started another and I made a little progress getting through my overfilled DVR. I didn't watch any recorded shows during vacation so that I could spend more time with the family and it's going to takes weeks or a case of insomnia, which I never get, to get caught up. Neither of those things have a tangible result though, so it feels like I did little else.

The kids have a school lunch in the park to attend today. That should eat up a bit of the afternoon, so I might not have time for much else. Again, I'm hoping for something interesting to happen that spurs a bout of creativity with what time I do have or just sales that give me some tatting to do. I know that this hoping is getting to be a fairly regular thing, but it's the best idea I've got.

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